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With special projects for better livelihood, farmers’ development, village adoptions and community building, skills enhancement, and soil health conservation, IFFCO is the helping hand that undertakes agricultural, social and community development programmes.

  • The IFFCO KisanSewa Trust (IKST): IKST was established to provide relief and rehabilitation to the victims of natural calamities with welfare and critical care. IKST also organises eye camps, free health and Ayurvedic check-ups, assists rural hospitals financially, and provides scholarships to promising children of farmers living below the poverty line.

  • IFFCO initiated the ‘Save the Soil Campaign’ to enable Indian farmers to prosper, through the timely supply of reliable, high-quality fertilisers and farm inputs and services, in an environmentally sustainable way.

  • Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative (IFFDC): IFFDC has successfully carried out afforestation and rural development projects all over the country. It is implementing livelihood projects and Natural Resource Management in thousands of villages across India.

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In Baidyanath, sustainability is a concept imbibed across various sectors of the organization. Baidyanath ensures respect for the national sovereignty and local communities by encouraging fair play, competitive pricing, long term relationship development, ensuring equal access to health facilities

  • Runs two leading schools across two States of India

  • 5 free health clinics serving over 300 patients each day

  • Promotes the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining across supplier network

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